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Create texts together with ChatGPT

The Canvas (Pracovní plocha in Czech) tool is available in ChatGPT since yesterday. What it is and why you should care:

  • the text you create with AI is not lost in the conversation, but you edit it similarly to Word

  • you can mark any part of the text and specify an adjustment for AI only for this part (even just one word)

  • you yourself can freely change and format the text

  • you can have the text commented - the command "comment the text as [fill in the role from whose point of view you want comments]"

  • in the lower right corner of the editing window you will also find a few tools for quick text editing (shortening/extending, adjusting towards audience, final formatting changes)

  • now you can add this function also to user GPTs (CustomGPT) and even into existing ones (you just check the Canvas option in the GPT configuration)

  • the tool is available to all users (until now it was only in the paid version and in beta operation), but only in the web environment

You can find details in this OpenAI video where they announced this change as part of their Christmas campaign.

Details for use:

You can now invoke the function directly from the basic conversation window (see image).

Výběr nástroje Pracovní plocha

The option adds the text Canvas to your query, and the result of the query will then be displayed in the editing window.

Alternatively, you can invoke the tool with the phrase "show in canvas tool".

If you use the comments option, the AI will mark sentences for you and add comments to them (similar to Word). After selecting a comment, an "Apply" button will appear. You can use it to apply the suggested changes from the AI.

Komentáře AI k textu

After each step, you have the option to look at the changes and possibly return to the previous version - the buttons on the top right.

Warning - to transfer the text elsewhere and with formatting, do not use the upper right button for copying, but select the entire text and classically CTRL/CMD+C. Formatting is not preserved when the button is used.



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